Sunday, November 8, 2009


We.... how did we become a bad thing? Wasn't we all inclusive? How did we become we vs. them. WE as in all of us playing nicely in the sandbox. We who are all different but relish difference because how boring would we be if we were all the same.

Somehow we has turned into we vs. they. They who are different are bad? Remember the book about all I need to know I learned in kindergarten. Maybe we should revisit this.

They who are a different color, religious belief, value system, size, sex, sexual preference, political belief, social status, financial status... all suck? How did this happen... How did someone wake up one morning and decide people who don't believe our religious beliefs should get blown up... lets take young men and tell them they get virgins in heaven if they blow themselves and others up. Who thought this up? How did it possibly get carried through? How can we give women back their duty and right to tell their children to place nice in the sandbox... getting blown up and blowing others not good behavior.

Can we possibly start another train of thought. What if WE as individuals became inspiring, beautiful, and funny... funny (as in belly laughs) not funny as in laughing at someone but with someone. Can we jumpstart this new fad for people to respect others differences and rejoice in them. I for one would be really really bored if we all did, said, thought, wrote and painted the same way.

To come clean about the sandbox... me aged 6 in a sandbox having a really nasty temper tantrum ON FILM. Maybe we need to make sure everyone has a sandbox when little, all aggressive and rude behavior should stay in the sandbox and you outgrow this behaviour at an early age. The rest of the time great sandbox civilizations are built, creative and beautiful masterpieces are built, viewed respectfully and not knocked down by the neighborhood bully.

Sandboxes for all. What do you think of my new political platform?